Fare Structure & Passes - Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky

Fare Structure & Passes

Three ways to purchase tank fare


Download Transit with EZFare and pay using your mobile Device.

Cash. Please have exact fare when paying on the bus. No change is given.

In person. Click here for a list of locations where fare can be purchased.


Fare options listed below. For a printable version of the full fare structure, click here.


Transfers cost $0.25 and are good within two hours of issue and can be used at any bus stop or on any bus except on the Southbank Shuttle. Buy a $5 Metro/TANK Day Pass for unlimited travel on both systems.

Fare & Pass Options

person at farebox
Cash Fare
  • Local Cash Fare – $1.50
  • Senior/Disabled Fare – Local Fixed Route Service – $0.75
  • RAMP Fare – Zone 1 – $2.50
  • RAMP Fare – Zone 2 – $5
  • Student Fare (middle and high school) – $1
  • TANK 1-Day Pass – $3.50
  • Southbank Shuttle Fare – $1
  • Metro/TANK 1-Day Pass – $5
two men boarding bus
Pre-Paid Fare
  • TANK 30 Day Pass – $66
  • Senior Disabled Sticker – $33
  • Metro/TANK Monthly Pass – $105
  • Student (middle and high school) Ten Ride Pass – $10
driver in front of a bus
Reduced Fare Program

Reduced Fare for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities

TANK offers a reduced fare for senior citizens (age 65 and over) and for people with disabilities (proof of Medicare or SSI assistance is required to receive the discount.) Eligible persons should have a TANK Reduced Fare Photo ID made at the TANK headquarters to show the driver. A Medicare card may also be presented, with valid photo ID.

Veterans & Active-Duty Military Reduced Fare Program
  • Military Veterans (including National Guard & Reserves)
  • Active-duty Military Personnel

Participants need to fill out an application to apply HERE. Once you have completed the application, bring a current, state-issued photo ID that shows date of birth along with proof of veteran or active-duty status to the TANK office so we can take a photo for your ID card.

In addition to state-issued photo ID showing date of birth, veterans and active-duty military personnel must present one of the following documents:

  • Veteran’s Identification Card issued by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
  • Driver’s License or State Identification with veteran status listed
  • DD Form 214 Verification of Military Service with one of the following characters of service: General, General under Honorable, Honorable Discharge


  • Veterans and active-duty military personnel can present a United States Veteran Document Identification Card as proof of eligibility to receive their card. An additional state ID will not be required.

The card is good for up to five years before renewal is required. Once approved, eligible participants will receive their reduced fare card to use on the bus to receive the discounted fare. You can also purchase a monthly sticker, to be placed on your card, for unlimited rides during that month for $33.

Application Here
Tank Bus
  • RAMP passengers in Zone 1 can purchase one monthly pass or up to four ticket books at $88 or $25 per book respectively.
  • RAMP passengers in Zone 2 can purchase one monthly pass or up to four ticket books at $175 or $50 per book respectively.
person on bus holding up student ID card
NKU | Thomas More | Gateway Students

If you are a current student or faculty member at Northern Kentucky University, Thomas More University or Gateway Community & Technical College, just show the Operator your I.D. and you will ride for free, thanks to an annual contractual agreement with those schools.

Other Transportation & Fare Assistance Resources

We understand that our services may not meet the needs of everyone, and that the cost of transportation can be a barrier. We are here to help and have listed below several resource sites and organizations within our community who can assist with transportation and/or the payment of your transportation services.


This site offers several resources who can provide transportation and/or assist with payment of transportation.

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

BAWAC (Medicaid trips and limited public transportation)
Website: https://bawac.org/
Call: 859-371-4410
Email: services@bawac.org

Owen Co Transit (Medicaid trips and limited public transportation primarily rural counties)
Website: https://www.owencountyky.us/public-transit
Call: 502-750-2828
Email: publictransit@owencountyky.us

Federated Transportation Services of the Bluegrass (FTSB) (Medicaid eligible only)
Website: http://www.ftsb.org/
Call: 859-258-2722
Email Form: http://www.ftsb.org/contact-us.html

Area Agency on Aging

Bridging the Gap in Aging and Disability Services in NKY.
Website: http://www.nkadd.org/ADRC
Call: 8590-692-2480
Email: adrc@nkadd.org

Cincinnati Area Veterans Services

VA Hospital
Website: https://www.va.gov/cincinnati-health-care/
Call Cincinnati: 513-861-3100
Call Fort Thomas: 859-572-6202

Cancer Patient Transportation

American Cancer Society
Website: https://www.cancer.org/support-programs-and-services/road-to-recovery.html
Call: 800-227-2345

United Way of Greater Cincinnati
United Way of Greater Cincinnati offers savings for area businesses, non-profits, and government.
Website: https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/kentucky/greater-cincinnati-northern-kentucky
Call: 859-525-2600